Margaret of York, duchess of Burgundy, Ownership Possible (post-1478-1503?) by Instance of borrowing, inventory.
Falmagne, Thomas, and Baudouin Van Den Abeele, eds. Corpus Catalogorum Belgii: The Medieval Booklists of the Southern Low Countries, Vol. V: Dukes of Burgundy (Leuven: Peeters, 2016).
Kaplan, S.C. Women's Libraries in Late Medieval Bourbonnais, Burgundy, and France: A Family Affair (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2022).: 194-95
Wijsman, Hanno. Luxury Bound: Illustrated Manuscript Production and Noble and Princely Book Ownership in the Burgundian Netherlands (1400-1550) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2010).: 193